The New Nostalgia – A Sword & Sorcery: Ancient Chronicles Review

A couple of years ago I was driving through Memphis and I had the radio cranked to a level of volume best described as distortion. I was listening to a classic rock station; timeless cuts like “Fortunate Son” and “Jessie’s Girl”. The car was bumping.

Then something strange happened. “Seven Nation Army” by The White Stripes sparked across the airwaves. At first I was into it. The White Stripes are one of my favorite bands and that absolutely thick main riff dances down the spine. But elation broke to a sinking feeling of dread.

Getting old isn’t much different than getting young. If not for your body constantly berating you with pain, you’d hardly know the difference. Except for moments like a “classic rock” radio station reminding you that time is cruel.

I’m gonna fight ’em all

Sword & Sorcery: Ancient Chronicles is the standalone sequel to the 2017 Immortal Souls from Ares Games. Its bloodline extends even farther to the excellent Galaxy Defenders, a sci-fi skirmisher whose rich AI system has been iterated upon and wielded like a sharpened blade by this fantasy series. It doesn’t stop there.

Look deeper into the void and Sword & Sorcery hearkens to something else. Something which is terribly old yet feels like it shouldn’t be.

Sword & Sorcery is carrying the torch for Descent. I’m talking about 1st edition. A game that’s nearly been forgotten as the rubble has been scorched and built upon over and over now.

But this game makes me feel old. It seems we’ve reached a turning point where Heroquest is no longer the nostalgic touchstone designers are aiming for. It’s now become Descent: Journeys in the Dark.

The dungeon crawler genre has been stuck in a weird position where the upper and lower ends of the spectrum seem to be catered to. You have titles like Gloomhaven and Perdition’s Mouth which are predicated on resource management and puzzle-y optimization leaning heavily into the conceits of modern Euro-style designs. Then you have the torrent of Zombicides and Massive Darkness style titles that go for entirely the opposite approach where you churn through hundreds of plastic bodies while shotgunning a beer.

The middle ground has been somewhat neglected.

Ancient Chronicles is complex and messy. It boasts an enormous rulebook with plenty of exceptions and interesting sub-systems. There are components for days. It’s going to take a bit of work.

Back and forth through my mind, behind a cigarette

But the mental process of the game is entirely tactical immersion. Positioning matters nearly as much as identifying all of your character’s abilities and modifiers to dice pools. It’s a very heady game in this sense, but not one focused on math or card management. Instead your eyes dart between the board and your character’s artifacts and abilities. Then you collect a fist of dice and aim your dagger towards the minotaur’s eye.

The AI system also performs much of the heavy lifting, providing for dynamic enemies that feel alive and actually interested in rending your throat. This is a pretty nifty change of pace as these games often tend to throw countless speed bumps your way in a war of attrition. The programmed antagonist behavior here is very risky and aggressive at times. There’s a persistent feeling that if you drop your guard that swarm of spiders will engulf your Elf and the darkness will win.

Working through the branching behavior logic can be obtuse, however. There is simply a lot of heads-down card referencing as you consider various if/then statements. With elaborate action comes involved process.

And a message coming from my eyes says leave it alone

This is the second game in the Sword & Sorcery series. It’s mostly the same system fans have come to appreciate, but besides cleaning up some rules and presenting new content, it also includes an entirely new overland travel system. Over the course of the campaign – the main way to play the game – you will explore a wider subterranean world via the world map. The setting is a bit R.A. Salvatore but that does offer a distinct impression from the first S&S title.

The journey system means, in addition to the standard dungeons fraught with danger, you will stop at towns and settlements where you can purchase gear and upgrades. It feels less a distraction from the main proceedings and more an appreciated breather allowing the mechanisms to reflect upon the boons and scars attained in the previous fights.

The pathing and the overall narrative arc are very linear unfortunately with only a few lightly branching paths. It’s also reliant on exploration which consists of triggering story beats from a script booklet, which means you’re not likely to return to the game once completing the campaign. The ride does happen to be one offering exhilaration and thoughtful conflict which takes the sting off. It also is a lengthy ordeal, lasting in the neighborhood of 30 hours.

As you progress through an individual dungeon you will come into sight of a token highlighting a point of interest. This triggers a paragraph found in that aforementioned story manual. Legitimate shock can materialize and often resistance occurs. The game as a whole does a fantastic job of framing your incursion as invasion of a pre-existing ecosystem like a virus hellbent on establishing a new vector. It feels lived-in and organic.

Every single one’s got a story to tell

There is a great amount of cost to this system. Besides rules overhead, setup is rough. Good organization is a requirement as the variety in tokens and card types is substantial. In addition to the dungeon itself, several decks must be constructed from scratch for each play. By offering unique events and tailored enemy activations the atmosphere shifts with each session. It buys a great deal of personality for the encounters and helps to foster moments that stick around beyond the table. But it also eats up your game table and free time.

The most significant flaw remains from its predecessor: the game does not allow you to fail-forward. The lack of ingenuity in solving this issue is a huge drag. Trying to best a lengthy scenario on the second or third attempt feels a waste of precious time. It may push you to fudging results or easing up the difficulty level occasionally, which is a shame. Being forced to alter die results is akin to being put through the ringer with an incapable GM.

Compounding the issue is that this is still a very long game, perhaps even longer on a per session basis than the previous iteration of Sword & Sorcery. It earns its attention as a sophisticated design offering a very specific experience, but you will need three or more hours to complete most sessions with a group of friends.

Much of that time will be dedicated to conflict. Combat is dominated by the parsing of dice pools. Again, with a nod towards that previous Fantasy Flight classic, you must spend symbols to trigger abilities and modifiers as you work your way through the icon equation. While occasionally arduous, this central tactical decision space offers a sense of immediacy. All of your focus lies on utilizing your abilities in terms of the present. You’re not forced into an agonizing resource puzzle with long-term challenges, so the tone of play is more stylish and urgent.

And I’m bleeding right before the Lord

The commitment towards that distinct Descent experience is the heart of this game. It’s a very treasure-heavy design which is markedly foreign to the standard crawlers lining the shelves. Combine that with scripted narrative unveiled over time, absolutely deadly AI enemies, and a very robust dice-based combat system predicated on ability management – all of this adds up to a very effective ruleset with a great deal of charm.

It’s vital you be able to overlook the previously mentioned flaws and put up with the occasional reset after a TPK. If you are capable, then the goodness of the remaining bits will provide a commensurate payout.

Nostalgia is a critical function in constructing joy. Ancient Chronicles pulls no punches. It doesn’t hide behind a misleading veneer or make promises it can’t fulfill. Some will absolutely detest this style of play. Others, such as this critic, will find themselves yearning for a specific moment in history and wondering where the time escaped to.


A review copy was provided by the publisher.

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  16 comments for “The New Nostalgia – A Sword & Sorcery: Ancient Chronicles Review

  1. TomH
    July 27, 2021 at 11:49 am

    Interestingly a lot of your negatives are positives for our group (complexity, length) while the ‘failure to fail-forward’ is not an issue for two reasons – it’s fun to do it again, and there is no reason that if you fail you still can’t go to the next quest.
    And on replayability, from experience with S&S: Immortal Souls, as long as you don’t play it again straight away after finishing your first run through (and then if you’ve done the whole extended campaign even less of an issue) there is so much in each quest that remembering it all is pretty impossible. Due to COVID we had to restart the campaign again (one guy was not available), after about 6 months, and we replayed the core plus first expansion with little memory of what we had done before – but you’re fighting for your lives so often that remembering a bit here and there is pretty inconsequential.
    – southernman.

    Liked by 2 people

    • July 27, 2021 at 12:10 pm

      Hey Tom/Southernman,

      I actually don’t view the complexity and length as negatives. The tone and way I frame them in the review is more meant as warnings so if those are turnoffs for someone who is unfamiliar with the game/series, they’re aware.

      The affect of scripted events on a desire to replay scenarios is very subjective. I definitely won’t remember every single thing six months from now, but I know that I will remember certain triggered spawns and outcomes. There are some great moments in the game from those types of things and it’s one of the big draws for me. So there are diminishing returns in my opinion when replaying.

      Overall, I’m a big fan of the game.

      Liked by 1 person

      • J Taggart
        March 8, 2022 at 11:16 am

        I really really enjoyed reading your review sir. I am just awaiting my pledge from the 2nd wave to arrive here in Scotland. Your writing from a perspective of nostalgia and the past is what appeals to me the most.
        I very much enjoyed reading this review and appreciate your writing style. Thank you.

        Liked by 1 person

        • March 8, 2022 at 11:27 am

          Thank you very much for reading and taking the time to comment. I hope you enjoy the game and the 2nd wave gets to you soon.


    • Alan How
      April 14, 2022 at 10:26 am

      Thanks for a most helpful and interactive review. I am/was a fan of the first S&S game and bought everything for the second.

      It sits unplayed and looks daunting.

      Your style of writing is most appealing to me.

      Liked by 1 person

      • April 14, 2022 at 10:37 am

        Thanks, Alan. I hope you get to play it at some point. There’s definitely some work involved, but it’s a solid game.


  2. Michal Sebik
    October 24, 2021 at 4:09 am

    Hi, great reviews! Have you heard about the Spanish monster Dungeon Universalis? I failed to back it in the last campaign.. They try to be the ultimate dungeon crawl system. The question is, whether it is not too much..

    Liked by 1 person

    • October 24, 2021 at 8:17 am

      Thanks! I have heard of Dungeon Universalis, it looks like an interesting crawler. It does appear as though it may be too bloated though.


      • Michal Sebik
        October 24, 2021 at 8:53 am

        Exactly.. plus the dice usage does not look that interesting like Swords and Sorcery…
        I am missing Gloomhave review here 🙂 I am playing the Jaws of the Lion now, I am fascinated by the mechanisms but I am not sure they are convenient for the genre where we want some thrill, surprises and especially much more theme.
        What would you rate as a best DC today? I wondered whether there is room for the Sword and Sorcery in my collection when I got this new Descent.. But still it has the old RPG atmosphere to it, right?

        Liked by 1 person

        • October 24, 2021 at 9:01 am

          I loved Gloomhaven when it came out. I wrote about it at Geek & Sundry:

          I also just recently reviewed the new Gloomhaven PC app for Polygon:

          My thoughts on Gloomhaven have changed somewhat over the years. I really like the card play of Gloomhaven, but I don’t think it’s particularly great at delivering mystery, thrills, or great story. For those reasons it doesn’t rate among my top crawlers personally.

          I think Descent: Legends of the Dark is my favorite dungeon crawler at the moment. That’s also because I don’t count Claustrophobia or Core Space as dungeon crawlers, otherwise one of those would be my favorite. I don’t like to talk about this too much as I have a hard time recommending it, but I also really like the failed game Myth.

          Sword & Sorcery certainly is among the top though if you’re looking for this specific type of game with a lot going on with the heroes.

          I would like to try Chronicles of Drunagar.


          • Michal Sebik
            October 25, 2021 at 11:11 am

            Interesting observations.. I looked at this Chronicles of Drunagar and I am not sure it would be my cup of tea from the first sight.. Have to inspect it more.
            Anyway I saw a lot of praise on Middara. This one is available in the shop and if you are good with the art, it seems to have very good feedback. Have you tried it?

            Liked by 1 person

            • October 25, 2021 at 11:13 am

              I have played about 10 hours of Middara. I enjoyed the mechanisms, although I did feel like the amount of items and abilities for a character grew a bit unwieldy. It reminded me of Kingdom Death in that regard.

              I also didn’t love the pages and pages of exposition between each adventure. It doesn’t help that I’m not particularly into anime and the themes often found there.


  3. Michael
    December 16, 2021 at 2:16 am


    I am planning to buy the Sword and Sorcery.

    Can You tell me what is the difference between Sword and Sorcery/Sword and Sorcery Immortal heroes/Sword and Sorcery Ancient Chronicles? Are they stand alone games or and can be played individually?

    I can see there are two expansions: Darkness Falls and Arcane Portal. For which base game are these expansions suited for?

    Thank You in advance,

    Liked by 1 person

    • Anonymous
      December 16, 2021 at 3:28 am

      They are two completely separate games and they each have their own expansions. Saying that the new edition (Ancient Chronicles) has been designed so it can be played with Heroes from the Immortal Souls game.

      Liked by 1 person

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